
Archive for April, 2013

Verse 1: “Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.”

I have always been fascinated at how certain mimics and celebrity impersonators use their abilities to imitate another sound, speech, or mannerisms of somebody else. I grew up entertained by the talents of Rich Little, Frank Gorshin, Larry Storch, Chuck McCann, Mel Blanc, and Kevin Winslow. I know I’m forgetting countless other talented people; it was watching folks like this that led my wife and I to be able to mimic certain speech brogues, dialects, and styles when we read children’s stories at our local elementary school. They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and nowhere do you see that more than when a child imitates their parents.

In the movie Jaws, Chief Brody is at home, sitting at the dining room table after supper. He is moodily considering how the mayor and town council won’t believe him or back his actions about a shark in the area being responsible for a couple of deaths. He is feeling guilty over being confronted by the mother whose young son was the second victim, when she slapped him after finding out he knew that there might be a shark in the area (the mayor tries to convince him it wasn’t his fault…and in actuality, it was the mayor who prevented him from taking full actions….but Brody still accepts the blame personally). As his wife Ellen is clearing the table and starts to walk back in from the kitchen, she stops and watches as Sean, their youngest son, is mimicking his dad: he drinks from his glass like him, folds his hands in front of his face like him, places his face in his hands like him. At this point, Brody begins to notice this: he interlocks his fingers together and Sean copies him. He flexes his fingers, and Sean copies him. He makes a mean monster face, and Sean tries to copy him. He bends down towards his son and asks him to give him a kiss. When Sean whispers “Why?”, Brody wearily tells him it’s because he needs it. The whole scene is very powerful in that, when it seems the world is against him, his own child still loves him.

Be imitators of God, like a dear child. We need to show our Heavenly Father that we do love him. We need to do that in our talk. We need to do it even more in our actions. Jesus showed us the way.

Have a blessed day in Him.

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Verses 29-32: “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that is may impart grace to the hearers. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.”

In Matthew 5:44, Jesus commands His followers (and that means us Christians today!) to love your enemies, and to pray for them. This verse hit me and reminded me of the Matthew passage. Some days that is easy for us…and some days it is not.

I have some people I work with in our company that currently, I have to pray for the Holy Spirit’s guidance in praying for them. One has said something in an email directed at me, that I took personally that really angered me; one has misused his authority to make some of my co-workers work long hours, when better planning could’ve avoided the situation, in my opinion. One caused me undue stress one day just before lunch with my wife; thank God my wife was there to talk to. Now, in the last case, thankfully the situation was a big misunderstanding, but I pointed out to the person that their mishandling of the situation really stressed me out at the time. That person did apologize, but the immediate damage had been done.

In all cases, I remembered this verse, and REALLY had to pray for God to help me turn it over to Him…to not use the negative words I was wanting to, but to be positive in Him. It should come as no surprise that God blesses us, even in our prayer life. He made it better, and that, I am thankful for. Once again, it’s easy when everything is coming up roses, but can be really challenging when everything is coming up thorns.

I read a humorous quote that goes along with this, in a funny way. From comedian Buddy Hackett comes this bit of wisdom (http://www.positivelypositive.com/quotes/dont-carry-a-grudge-while-youre-carrying-the-grudge-the-other-guys-out-dancing/): “Don’t carry a grudge. While you’re carrying the grudge the other guy’s out dancing.” Leave it at the feet of Jesus.

Have a blessed day in Him!

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