
Archive for September, 2012

Verse 28: “And you brethren, like Isaac, are children of promise.”

Folks, it’s been a whale of a game this afternoon. The hometown team was taking it on the chin from the cross-town Judaizers for some time, almost to the point where the Judaizers had them thinking they were the team to listen to! But ever since the return of that top ace pitcher, Paul, it’s looking like they’re fighting back! Paul has been on the mound for the team, striking out the Judaizers left and right. He’s been shredding their offense with all manner of attack from fastballs to sliders to curve balls…you name it! Now he’s retiring the side with another of his dazzling pitches…the beautiful, thought-provoking allegorical knuckleball!

The above didn’t really happen; there was no baseball in Paul’s day. But studying Galatians to this point has helped me appreciate the God-inspired display of intelligent argument Paul used to counter the Judaizers’ false teachings. Here in this passage, he uses an allegory of Abraham and his two sons: Ishmael, born through Hagar, and Isaac, born through Sarah. One represents the law, Mount Sinai, the old Jerusalem that the Judaizers know, one of legalism yet of bondage. The other represents salvation, the heavenly Jerusalem (the city of God), and the freedom it brings. One is man’s attempt to bring about the promise of God, while the other is God fulfilling His promise to man. When presented side by side here, there really is no choice. Man cannot save himself; only God, through salvation in Jesus, can.

So…which team are you playing for?

Something to think about.

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